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Mortgage Professor about Mortgage Banker: 
Can I Accelerate Interest Deductions?
August 5, 2002, Postscript September 21, 2002 "I need to shift as much expense as possible to 2002 because I intend to itemize that year.  My thought is to pay in 2002 all 12 of my mortgage payments due in 2003, in this way shifting all the interest deductions from 2003 ... more...

Will My Mortgage Loan Be Sold?
September 20, 1999 "I have been told that any lender I go to will probably sell my loan. Is that true? Am I justified in feeling disturbed about this?" Yes, it is true, but no, I don?t think you should be disturbed about it. A majority of borrowers deal with ... more...

Mortgage Banker related definitions

Mortgage Banker
Mortgage Banker Mortgage Banker providing mortgage financing to borrower with its own funds. Some mortgage bankers do provide long term (permanent) financing, the majority specialize in short term financing. However, mortgage companies often loosely apply this term to ... more...

Mortgage Baked Securities, MBS
Mortgage Baked Securities, MBS Mortgage-backed securities (MBS) are bond or other financial obligation secured by a pool of mortgage loans. Mortgage loans are purchased from banks, mortgage companies, and other originators and then assembled into pools by purchasing entity. ... more...

More about Mortgage Banker

Get Free Mortgage Banker Quotes and Estimates

Get instant on-line mortgage rate quote and closing cost estimate. Only put your loan numbers. No contact info required. Compare offers from top mortgage lenders... more...

A New Choice for Home Financing: Correspondent Lenders
When you begin your search for a new home loan, one of the first things to consider is where you'll get the money. Your basic choices will be mortgage brokers and banks.Your first instinct may be to go with your local bank, who you know from doing business with them for other things, such as your ... more...

Using a Correspondent Lender for Your Mortgage
Everyone knows that a home is probably the most significant, and certainly the most expensive, single investment most people will make in their lifetimes. Choosing a mortgage to finance that investment, therefore, is vital to the long term success of that investment. The right mortgage can enhance ... more...

A Powerful Suggested Technique for YOUR Home & Property Search
A Powerful Suggested Technique for YOUR Home & Property Search by Jody Hudson You can be a pro at buying a home: Whether you are buying your first home or you are an experienced home buyer who owns more than one home, there are some things that can help you get faster results and get more ... more...

Mortgage Info You Can Actually Understand!
This is a great time to Refinance Your Home or Buy a New Home -- the Mortgage Rates are so low, these days! It's always worth a shot to find out what the costs of switching over to a new mortgage would be, to see if that's the right move for you.Whether you are building your own house, buying a new ... more...

New Home Loan - Understand The Various Types Of Mortgage Lenders
So, youve decided to buy a house, and youre ready for that all important next stepapplying for a mortgage loan. But where should you go? After all, the mortgage business is complex, and youve realized quickly that your choices for lenders are immense. Heres a quick guide to help you understand all ... more...

Money Smart Homeowners Use this Mortgage Strategy Every Time
There are currently more than 50 million home mortgages in the United States today. So why arent more homeowners taking advantage of the highest yielding lowest risk, tax-free financial strategy available today?Let me ask you.Where can you....... Forego only $3.35 in tax savings (three dollars and ... more...

Mortgage-Refinance Treachery: Avoid Mortgage Bankers and Brokers Biggest Trick -- The Sales Pitch
What the average homeowner or home buyer fails to realize is that bankers, loan officers, mortgage brokers, or whatever your lenders call themselves, are salesmen. Certainly, if you purchased your home from a realtor and used her lender, you most likely got a feeling of trust in that person, ... more...

Beware of Mortgage Refinancing Traps
The mortgage lending business is highly competitive. And that, my dear reader, is an understatement. It is like saying that the Pacific Ocean has many gallons of water in it. Even Donald Trump this week decided to enter the mortgage arena with the hyped up launch of Trump Mortgage from Las Vegas ... more...

What the Bank Won't Tell You About Your Home Mortgage Quote
Shopping for a house is probably the most significant financial decision that you will make in your life. When you shop for your home by first attaining a home mortgage quote, your decision becomes even more momentousyou need to perform a balancing act between the house of your dreams and factors ... more...

Bankers Don't Want You to Know That You Pay for Your No Cost Home Loan Forever
With mortgage rates continuing on a downward trend, the competition in the business is fierce. A day never passes that I don't hear some crazy advertisement about a new loan program that XYZ mortgage company has and no one else offers. One of the oldest programs remains steadfast in both its high ... more...

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